The purpose of life is to make mistakes to discover who you are.
— Adina Shahzad New York, USA
You can survive if you have common sense but no book sense but book sense without common sense won’t do.
— Bernice Mitchell Houston, Texas
When we eat another animal, we make ourselves into cemeteries.
— unknown
I think it’s odd that we find the torturing of animals to be a sign of major mental illness and a link between it and serial killers, but no one ever thinks of the indirect torture of eating animal flesh.
— unknown
You can’t just give up and say, I’m only one person. You have to say I’m one person, and I have the power to make changes.
— unknown
The fat acceptance movement as enough to worry about without concern trolls poking about.
— unknown
It is against the principles of human rights to bully another human being.
— unknown
There’s an old adage about walking a mile in someone else’s shoes—it’s something we say to make people more empathetic to the plights of others. What’s the animal rights equivalent? Walk a mile in another creature’s fur, and then imagine what it’s like to be skinned alive?
— unknown
As I am in favor of human rights, so am I also in favor of animal rights. That’s the way of a whole human being.
— unknown
It’s a sick irony that the top elite conservatives of the United States expect every single school child to recite a pledge that boasts freedom and justice for all, when they really only want it for themselves.
— unknown
Now, how can you develop this particle mind? Just close your eyes and you can have a small experience of what the particle mind is. Just close your eyes. If thought comes, don’t put your attention on the thoughts. If you put your attention on thoughts you will not be in the particle mind; you will be in a molecular or gross mind. Just put your attention on the spinal column - inside the spinal column. There is a thin ray of light that starts at the bottom of the spine that will move up, get into the brain and then go into the infinite sky. If your mind goes into this channel of the ray of Light, the molecular mind that is worrying about John, Linda and finances will disappear. You should be able to stay in the channel of the ray of light all the time. Then you will gain the particle mind.
— Dr Pillai
When you worry, messages get muddied and stops the creation. That is why one must be clear in their intent, specific and then must let it go, and go on living their life. One must learn to trust; it will come into creation.
— Dr Pillai
Free food is healthy food and good for your pocket book.
— Submitted by Debbie MO
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
— Mark Twain (Submitted by T. Verge, Alaska)
The superior man honors his virtuous nature, and maintains constant inquiry and study, seeking to carry it out to its breadth and greatness, so as to omit none of the more exquisite and minute points which it embraces, and to raise it to its greatest height and brilliancy.
— Confucius
How great is the path proper to the Sage! Like overflowing water, it sends forth and nourishes all things, and rises up to the height of heaven. All-complete is its greatness! It embraces the three hundred rules of ceremony, and the three thousand rules of demeanor. It waits for the proper man, and then it is trodden. Hence it is said, ‘Only by perfect virtue can the perfect path, in all its courses, be made a fact.
— Confucius
I have not seen a person who loved virtue, or one who hated what was not virtuous. He who loved virtue would esteem nothing above it.
— Confucius
Go before the people with your example, and be laborious in their affairs.
— Confucius
Fine words and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated with true virtue.
— Confucius
To practice five things under all circumstances constitutes perfect virtue; these five are gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness.
— Confucius
Virtue is more to man than either water or fire. I have seen men die from treading on water and fire, but I have never seen a man die from treading the course of virtue.
— Confucius
The determined scholar and the man of virtue will not seek to live at the expense of injuring their virtue. They will even sacrifice their lives to preserve their virtue complete.
— Confucius
What the great learning teaches, is to illustrate illustrious virtue; to renovate the people; and to rest in the highest excellence.
— Confucius
Is virtue a thing remote? I wish to be virtuous, and lo! Virtue is at hand.
— Confucius
The firm, the enduring, the simple, and the modest are near to virtue.
— Confucius
The man of virtue makes the difficulty to be overcome his first interest; success only comes later.
— Confucius
The superior man thinks always of virtue; the common man thinks of comfort.
— Confucius
The virtuous man is driven by responsibility, the non-virtuous man is driven by profit.
— Confucius
Virtuous people often revenge themselves for the constraints to which they submit by the boredom which they inspire.
— Confucius
Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practices it will have neighbors.
— Confucius
When a man’s knowledge is sufficient to attain, and his virtue is not sufficient to enable him to hold, whatever he may have gained, he will lose again.
— Confucius
Men’s natures are alike, it is their habits that carry them far apart.
— Confucius
Humility is the foundation of all virtues.
— Confucius? submitted by Edith Brotman M.D.
Earnest in practicing the ordinary virtues, and careful in speaking about them, if, in his practice, he has anything defective, the superior man dares not but exert himself; and if, in his words, he has any excess, he dares not allow himself such license.
— Confucius
Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practices it will have neighbors.
— Confucius
Things that are done, it is needless to speak about…things that are past, it is needless to blame.
— Confucius
Recompense injury with justice, and recompense kindness with kindness.
— Confucius